This document provides information on the “Privacy Policy” of this site. It describes the gestional modalities of the internet site of Gamma Meccanica S.p.a., Via Sacco e Vanzetti 13, 42021, Bibbiano (RE), Italia, P.Iva 00486090350, with reference to the handling of personal data of the users and of the visitators that consult the site. We refer to the information letter that is prepared in conformity with art. 13 of the Legislative Decree n° 196/2003 – the code of the personal data’s protection – of the users of the services of our site that are supplied via Internet at the following address: This information letter referes only to the “ Gamma Meccanica S.p.a” ‘s site and does not affect other sites viewed by users throught outer links.
This information letter follows the decree n. 2/2001 of the european authories for the protection of the personal data, combined in a group founded in accordance with Art. 29 of the information letter n° 95/46/CE published on 17th May 2001 to indentify some minimal reqirements for the personal data’s collection on-line and, in particular, the modalities, the times and the nature of the information that the titolars of this information letter have to supply at the users when they are connected at the web pages, regardless of the purpose of the connection.
The holder of the treatment
As a result of visiting of this site may be processed data on identified or identifiable persons. The holder of data is a Gamma Meccanica Spa, Via Sacco e Vanzetti 13, 42021, Bibbiano (RE), Italia, P.Iva 00486090350.
Place of the data’s treatment
The treatments connected to the web services of this site have place in the indicated head office of Gamma Meccanica S.p.a and only the technical office that is in charge can use them or specialists that are in charge of occasional operations of maintenance.
Any data that came from this web service is not communicate or spread. The personal data supplied by the users that request the informative materials, commercial offers or other information are used only to provide the services or perform the request, and passed on to third parties only if it is needed to fulfill the request.
Type of treated data
Data on navigation. The information systems and the software procedures that are necessary for the functioning of this web site, obtain during the procedure of their normal exercise some personal data which transmission is implicit in the use of the comunication protocols of Internet. These are informations that are collected not to indentify interested persons, but for thier nature can indentify the users throught elaborations and associations with data from third parties. This category of data include IP-addresses or the control names of the computers that the users use for the connection to the site, the URI addresses (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the requested resources, time of request, method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the resulting response file, a digital code, indicating the status of the server response (positive, error, etc.) and other parameters of the operating system and information environment of the user. These data are used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to control the correct operation and they are cancelled immediatly after the processing. These data can be used to identify the liability in case of hypothetical information crimes to inflict damage to the site: except in this case the information on the website contacts is not stored for more than seven days.
Data that are supplied by the users voluntarily. The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of the e-mail to the indicated address on this web site involves the next acquisition of the sender’s address, that is necessary to answer to the request or the eventual other personal data included in the message. Specifications of synthesis will be progressively reported or visualized on the web site’s pages prepared for particular service on request.
Any of this users’s personal details are received by the site intetionally. Cookies are not used to transmit personal information, nor used any permanent cookies, ie systems for users tracking. The use of so-called session cookies (that are not saved permanently on the user’s computer but disappear with the closing of the browser) is strictly limited to the transmission of session’s identifiers (consisting of casual numbers generated by the server) necessary for the safe and efficient use of the site. The session cookies used in this web site avoid the support to other information technology potentially dangerous for the users ‘s privacy and they don’t allow to acquire the users personal identification data.
The optional treatment of the data
Except for what specifed for the navigation data, the user is free to provide his personal data reported on the application forms to the Guarantor or indicated in contacts with the Office for supplies this data to the office to indicate this data or to request any information or other commercial communications. Their missing confirmation can compromise the possibility to fulfill the request. It’s important to remember that in some cases (not object of the ordinary management of this web site) Gamma Meccanica S.p.a may request news or informations in conformity with the art 157 of Legislative Decree n° 196/2003 to control the treatment of the personal data. In this cases the response is obligatory under threat of administrative penalty.
Modality of the treatment
The personal data are processed with automatic devices for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. The specific security measures are taken to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect and unauthorized access.
Rights of data subjects
The subjects whose personal data are used, have the right to request at any time in accordance with Art. 7 of Legislative Decree n° 196/2003 , the confirmation of the existence of the data, its contents and origin, to verify the exactness to request the integration or the updating or the amendment. According to the same article they have the right to request the cancellation, the transformation to the anonymous form or the block of the data that are used in violation of the law, or to oppose in every case for legitimate reasons, their processing. The request should be sent in writing to Gamma Meccanica S.p.a..
This information letter about the privacy is consultable in automatic form on browser that have the standard P3P (“Platform for Privacy Preferences Project”) proposed by the World Wide Web Consortium ( Every efforts will be made for give the maximal interable functions of this site with the automatic control mechanisms of the privacy available in some products used by the users. We have to consider that the state of perfection of the automatic control mechanisms is not exempt from errors or disfunctions, and we precise that this document published at this address : is the “Privacy Policy” form that is the part of this site that will be updated.